Tuesday, 12 March 2024

What are Details required for Corporate Tax Registration in Dubai UAE ?


What are Details required for Corporate Tax Registration in Dubai UAE ? 

Email id (User id) & Password of EmaraTax Portal:

·      If already Registered for VAT:  Please share Same Email id (User id) & password for login to EmaraTax Portal

·      If Not Registered for VAT:       Please share New Email id for registration to EmaraTax Portal for Corporate Tax


Company Name:                                                  

Mobile number:                                                   

Office landline number:                                         


Pls. select the Appropriate Column from the table below & provide relevant documents:

Natural person

Incorporated Bodies (e.g. a Company, a UAE company established by Decree or Limited Liability Partnership)

Other non-Corporate bodies (e.g. a partnership, trust, club, charity, etc.)

Government entity

Trade License(s)

Trade License(s)

Trade License(s)

Law or decree of establishment


Agreement (if applicable)

Certificate of

Incorporation (if applicable)

Certificate of

Incorporation (if applicable)

Contact Information

Contact Information

Articles of Association/ Partnership Agreement (if applicable)

Club or Association Registration

Bank Account details

Passport and Emirates ID

Power of Attorney in favour of Authorized Signatory

Power of Attorney in favour of Authorized Signatory

Customs details (if applicable)


Authorized Signatory documents

Authorized Signatory documents

Authorized Signatory documents


Passport and Emirates ID of manager, owner and senior management

Passport and Emirates ID of manager, owner and senior management


Accepted file types are PDF. The individual file size limit is 2 MB.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is there any additional information or documentation required for companies or entities that have multiple trade licenses, partnerships, or complex ownership structures in UAE?
Companies or entities with multiple trade licenses, partnerships, or complex ownership structures may have additional documentation requirements or considerations. A professional consultant can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific situation. 2. Is there a specific deadline or timeline for completing the Corporate Tax Registration process in Dubai UAE once the required details and documents are submitted? Yes. All New Entities incorporated after 1st March 2024, are required to complete the Corporate tax registration process in Maximum 3 months from the date of issue of license. All Existing Companies incorporated before 1st March, 2024, they need to complete the registration process as per the chart given in the below blog post, but the maximum time is upto 31st December 2024. Click here to refer the Chart.
3. Is there any Penalty if we fail to register for Corporate Tax Number before Due Date ? Yes. There is a Penalty of AED 10,000 if you fail to register before Due Date given above.

4. Are there any fees or costs associated with the Corporate Tax Registration process, and if so, how are these fees calculated and paid?
No. Corporate Tax Registration is free of cost. UAE Government does not charge any fees for Corporate Tax Registration. However, if you hire a consultant for Corporate Tax Registration, then the consultancy or professional fees will be charged by consultant for the service.

5. What steps should companies or entities take if they encounter any issues or challenges during the Corporate Tax Registration process on EmaraTax Portal, such as technical difficulties or discrepancies in the provided information?
If you encounter any issues or challenges during the Corporate Tax Registration process on EmaraTax Portal, such as technical difficulties or discrepancies in provided information, it's advisable to consult with a professional consultant promptly. They can provide guidance and assistance in addressing any issues that may arise.

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